How much of a difference can ONE DAY make?

That’s up to YOU!


CLICK HERE TO DONATE to the 2023 One Day Challenge (under 'Fund' choose 'The Carpenteros')

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD the 2023 One Day Challenge brochure

Change is coming slowly to Honduras.  In many communities the average income is still as little as one or two dollars per day. No matter how hard these people work, simply surviving is a constant struggle.

The poorest of the poor aspire to provide a better future for their children and grandchildren. You can help make that goal possible by improving their access to safe drinking water, latrines, first aid supplies and basic sanitary improvements to their very modest homes.  Since the ONE DAY CHALLENGE campaign began in 2011, it has repaired homes, provided clean water, and improved safety and sanitation for thousands of Hondurans.  God has enabled your support to answer their prayers.

The ONE DAY CHALLENGE is a very simple, but effective, concept – by dedicating one day of your income, you can help to bring new hope and transformation to Hondurans who earn as little as a dollar or two per day. And every penny you give will go directly to helping those who need it most, and in a way that brings about lasting improvement.

Each year the ONE DAY CHALLENGE campaign focuses on a different Honduran community -- the community that our Honduran partners have told us is in tremendous need, but also where the local residents are willing and eager to participate in building the foundation for a better future.


Protecting the vulnerable supply of drinkable ground water has become a constant challenge for the 250 residents of Chimis Tejeras, located in the mountains of western Honduras.

More than two-thirds of the residents do not have a latrine, a place to bathe, or proper water storage basins. This lack of basic sanitation can result in contamination of the village’s precious drinking water, especially during the rainy season.

The goal of this year’s ONE DAY CHALLENGE is to provide simple but effective latrine/basin/shower units for some of the neediest families in Chimis Tejeras, through local partner CASM (Mennonite Social Action Commission) and World Renew.

One Day Challenge projects benefit families in extreme poverty, particularly the elderly, disabled, and those with young children, and where homes have serious safety and sanitary deficiencies.

Every penny you give will directly benefit those who need it most, in ways that instill renewed hope, offer dignity and bring about lasting improvement. By giving the equivalent of one day of income, you can help to bring a lifetime of change to the families in Chimis Tejeras.



Your support is always appreciated


If you or your church or business would like to support the ONE DAY CHALLENGE campaign, please make cheques payable to ‘Carpenteros and Friends’ and note ‘One Day Challenge’ on the memo line. Please provide your full name and address for tax receipt purposes, as well as your email address if you would like to receive a project update.

CHEQUES can be sent to:

Carpenteros and Friends
c/o Calvary Christian Reformed Church
265 Middletown Road, R.R. 1, Dundas, Ontario
L9H 5E1

E-TRANSFER:  ONE DAY CHALLENGE donations can also be made by sending an e-transfer to  In the 'note' field, please state 'One Day Challenge' and include your address for receipt purposes.

ONLINE:   You can also give to the ONE DAY CHALLENGE through the secure online donation page for Calvary Christian Reformed Church (Flamborough). Under 'Fund' please select 'The Carpenteros'.

If you, your company, organization or church group would like to explore additional ways to assist the people of Honduras through the One Day Challenge, please email or call Ken at 905-630-6977.